Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pitching work outs

The team that plays catch the best wins

Pitching work outs
After you pitched a game or bull pen
- Run ten poles or a mile and a half
- Ice twenty minutes on twenty off twice

Next day- 15 poles or two miles
- 200 sit-ups set of 50
- 4 sets of 25 pick ups
- 4 sets of 10 lunges
Second Day-Play catch- with good mechanics LONG TOSS
- 20 sprints at least 100 ft
- Arm work out with cross over symmetry
- T-drills
- Towel drill, or figure eight with bat
Third day- bull pen
- 20 feet must throw 25- 30 pitches, must throw 25 strikes, FB, CH-UPS
- 40 feet 25- 30 pitches, must throw 25 strikes, FB,CH-UPS, CURVE

- 60’6” 20 -30 pitches
- All pens, half from full and half from stretch
- Always working on Mechanics
- 15 poles or a mile run
-2 sets of 25 pickups
- 2 sets of lunges
Fourth day- long toss- short to long bull pen depending
- Sprint day
When the season starts the work out Plan will be adjusted!! Always Ice

“The team that plays catch the best wins “